
Want A Flexible Work Week Without Losing Productivity? Follow These 3 Steps

Many workers got used to working virtually amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, and many of these same workers are not ready to give up their flexible work schedules now that the pandemic seems to be coming to an end.

If you are going back and forth on the decision to let employees have a flexible work week or not, you should consider these 3 steps that will help you maintain productivity while giving workers the flexibility they desire.

This is a great read for a better understanding of the benefits of hybrid work. Click here to read the article.

Step 1: Set deadlines and focus on results

Not all workers are cut out for the hybrid/flexible work schedule, but you shouldn’t count others out who thrive in this type of environment.

Most people thrive and have the most energy all at different times in the day. That is why it is important to focus on the workers results and dedication to finish a project by the deadline, rather than the number of hours they work in a day at the office.

Struggling with staying productive while working from home? Check out this article with tips on how to remain productive while doing so.

Step 2: Conduct 1-on-1 meetings

These meetings with give employees an opportunity to ask a few questions all at once and to confirm their progress on projects.

Having frequent 1-on-1 meetings might boost productivity and help keep employees accountable and on-track.

Step 3: Plan for office coverage and staff for it

Allowing employees, the ability to do hybrid work is ideal for most, but companies don’t want to shut their offices down if everyone is working virtually. Therefore, it is ideal, for example, to let one HR rep. work flexible hours perhaps on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the other HR rep. to work Mondays and Wednesdays. On Fridays they can overlap, catch up and both be present in the office.

Is your office behind in the flexible work trend? Present these steps to maintain productivity and let me know what they think!

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